Floor Plans
What is the floor area of your project in sq ft or sq m?
162.4 m2 and basement 40.6m2

Could you tell us any interesting facts or remarkable features about your project?
Initially unknown to us was that Policy H16 from East Hants Council meant that our 1920s asbestos bungalow, with later extensions, could not be replaced by a house of a larger size. We had ordered a prefabricated house with an underground garage, later changed to a basement from a German company. Planning Consent was refused on grounds that the bungalow had been extended to its limit with a conservatory and no increase in size would be permitted. An integral garage is classed as a liveable space; a basement is not. Despite this, the German company demanded, with threats, a payment of 10% for an oversize house that could not be built. Their claim was justified in the small print and stated the sale was subject to German law. It took a German member of staff at my solicitors to resolve the situation.
The initial plans had been made by English architects to accommodate a German production system. These plans were tweaked by a local architect, Noel Wright Architects, and with the assistance of Chris Gosling Planning, passed. Andrew Waring Associates were used for engineering plans and calculations. The architect put the job to tender. Within the specifications were compliant surface water drainage and rainwater harvesting systems.
Helping the job run smoothly were: an existing outbuilding upgraded with a new power supply, toilet with handwashing, telephone and wifi thus providing a very good on site office and compulsory use of a banksman to assist with heavy deliveries
Key features are the first floor balcony, a very practical basement and borrowed landscapes. An excellent job was done by Flint Construction, Alresford, Hampshire, under architect’s instructions from us, to create an almost passivhaus with an EPC of B 84.
Experience at the Centre
How many times have you visited The National Self Build and Renovation Centre before?
About 5 in total including x2 one-day courses.
What would you say is the most helpful feature or resource at the NSBRC?
The NSBRC Training Courses and being able to spend a lot of time catching up on new trends. This was essential in overcoming our problem.
Did you use any exhibitors at the NSBRC? If so, who?
Green Building Store for Mechanical Ventilating and Heat Recovery system (MVHR). Timber Frame from Vision Development. Our architect may have selected some others including suppliers who responded to clicks at their exhibits.
What did you enjoy most about your visit to the NSBRC?
The technical Information, getting ideas and replies to questions and updating trade knowledge.
Would you recommend the NSBRC to a friend, and if so, what aspects of the Centre would you recommend and why?
Yes and depends on their capabilities and aspirations. The NSBRC Training Courses come high on list (of note is the catering provided) as well as the Renovation House. I suggest that more self-employed builders and sub-contractors be encouraged to visit.