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Online surgeries

The NSBRC Online Surgeries are designed to offer insight and provide inspiration - whatever stage your project is at. We call on our expert panellists to share their views on topical issues and discuss the common pitfalls for those embarking on a self build or home improvement journey.

Past Surgeries


NSBRC's Self Build & Renovation Workshops

Our workshops

The National Self Build and Renovation Centre runs a variety of popular one or two-day Workshops through the year which focus on very clear themes, covering topics such as selecting the building system that is right for you, how to make your house Eco-Friendly, and perfecting a Passivhaus.

These workshops allow you to speak to numerous experts in different fields, so you will leave filled with knowledge, ideas and inspiration. See below the range of Workshops we have on offer for you.

NSBRC's Self Build Course

Our courses

If you are contemplating building your own home, or planning to improve your existing home, why not attend one of our NSBRC Training Courses first to build your knowledge and confidence?

We are pleased to be offering 15% off all Courses until the end of February. Please use code: NSBRC15 at checkout, or get in touch at

The Festival of Sustainable Homes: Friday 16th - Saturday 17th May 2025

This exciting, family-friendly show, will highlight how we can all live more sustainably in our homes and communities. Offering the latest advice on improving both the energy efficiency and comfort levels of properties – for both new builds & existing homes.

The Festival Of Sustainable Homes