Novoferm proudly stands as a member of The Sanwa Group, one of the largest European manufacturers of automated garage door systems. We supply high-quality, reliable, and innovative products through a global network and thousands of approved distribution partners, catering to the private, trade, and industrial sectors.

Since 1955, Novoferm has adhered to the simple principle of quality over quantity. We ensure that our products meet the highest standards in terms of quality, safety, comfort, and aesthetics. The architectural design of our doors sets us apart from our competitors, offering not only protection against intruders but also keeping properties warm and dry. We provide a diverse range of customizable options to help you find your dream door.
Below are two of our most popular door types: Our Insulated Roller Doors (Novorol) and our unique and premium Insulated Sectional Doors (ISO45 EVO).
Novorol – Insulated Roller Door: Novorol takes the concept of the ever-popular roller door to a new level. It outperforms ordinary garage doors in terms of ease of use, insulation benefits, and a wide range of finishes, safety, and security. All doors are manufactured under strict and controlled guidelines. Our automated insulated roller doors are constructed from 77mm or 55mm double-walled aluminium laths filled with CFC-free insulating foam—an ideal solution for those who want to improve the appearance and gain space in their garage. Our stand will showcase the Novorol product in full working operation.

Sectional Door – ISO45 EVO: If you're wondering whether a sectional garage door is a worthwhile investment, consider the convenience and secure properties that these doors offer. Designed with space management in mind, each door is comprised of individual sections connected by hinges, allowing for neat rolling up into the ceiling. Each door is comprised of individual sections which are, in turn, connected by hinges. This ingenious design means that these doors can be rolled up or down neatly folding the door into the ceiling rather than having the door sticking out. Due to the way in which the door folds up, it is a great space-saving option. This is great news if you’re planning on parking a second vehicle out front.

Our unique ISO 45 EVO offers up to 17% improved heat insulation and is only available from Novoferm.
We look forward to welcoming you to The National Self Build & Renovation Centre and to our stand."