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June 2022 Online Surgery: Grants, Legislation and Latest News for Self-Builders

June Online Surgery: Grants, Legislation and Latest News for Self-Builders

Hosted in partnership with NaCSBA (National Custom & Self Build Association)

For our June edition of our 'Online Surgeries' series, we have partnered with NaCSBA to provide a unique update on the political and legislative factors affecting self-builders today. NaCSBA’s aim is to make custom and self build a mainstream choice for all those seeking a home of their own, and shares the NSBRC’s own vision of helping people enjoy better homes.


NaCSBA’s CEO, Andrew Baddeley-Chappell, provided self-builders with an update on:

  • Right to Build – A reminder of its importance, how to register, and how NaCSBA is encouraging Local Authorities to be pro-active (with a couple of case studies) and what is being done by government to ensure LAs are held accountable to their requirements (and how to complain to your local authority if they’re not delivering for you). You can find out more, and register, via NaCSBA’s Self Build Portal.
  • Help to Build – A new government equity loan for people who want to self build or custom build their own home. Is it right for you, and how to apply. This is now open to applications and you can find out more here.
  • Boiler upgrade scheme – The government is providing grants to encourage property owners to install low carbon heating systems such as heat pumps, through the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). These grants can help property owners overcome the upfront cost of low carbon heating technologies.
  • Nutrient Neutrality – Why it is an issue, how self-builders are being caught up, and what you need to know.