What is the floor area of your project in sq ft or sq m?
26 sq m.

Could you tell us any interesting facts or remarkable features about your project?
What makes it of interest is the method we had to employ to build over the existing 600mm storm drain that was 3m underground and went directly through the middle of where we wanted to build. We had to build in such a way that no load was placed on the pipe and I was going to forget the whole project as it seemed too difficult, however, when I saw the helical pile system at the exhibition centre, I realised that the foundation could be done easily with minimal digging and spoil if I also used a steel ring beam and a lightweight SIPs construction.
Experience at the Centre
How many times have you visited The National Self Build and Renovation Centre before? Just once so far.
What would you say is the most helpful feature or resource at the NSBRC?
Being able to see products as they are intended for use in mock-up displays.
Did you use any exhibitors at the NSBRC? If so, who? Helical Systems.
What did you enjoy most about your visit to the NSBRC? Finding solutions to problems! The coffee was OK too.
Would you recommend the NSBRC to a friend, and if so, what aspects of the Centre would you recommend and why? Yes, I have recommended a visit to my best friend who is a traditional builder and has helped us with advice and guidance throughout our self-build projects. He has recently also used helical screw piles for a project after seeing them on my build and a walk around the stands together will be great for more ideas and information about other innovative products.