Floor Plans
What is the floor area of your project in sq ft or sq m?
Approximately 140 sqm.
Ground Floor: Click here for before & after
First Floor: Click here for before & after
Could you tell us any interesting facts or remarkable features about your project?
Originally, we were hoping to embark on a self build project from scratch but we were unable to find a suitable plot. Finally, we decided to do a major re-model on our existing house. I produced the plans and took it from there. The NSBRC provided invaluable help and information regarding the process, regulations, resources, etc. We performed the selection and sourcing of all sub-contractors and suppliers and fittings. We took the internals of the house apart whilst still living in it and then finally moved into rented accommodation for 6 months whilst the main building work took place. We removed all our belongings ourselves and stored them in our holiday home in Cornwall, the rented house and the garage. I completed the kitchen installation after moving back into the house. The new house is open plan, minimalist and has a full home automation system (inspired by Aperio in the Potton show house at the NSBRC).
Experience at the Centre
How many times have you visited The National Self Build and Renovation Centre before?
At least five times.
Did you use any exhibitors at the NSBRC? If so, who?
Certainly Velfac. We also used Plot search when initially considering a self-build.
What did you enjoy most about your visit to the NSBRC?
The anticipation of embarking on a journey. Initially a self-build but then the re-model project.
Would you recommend the NSBRC to a friend, and if so, what aspects of the Centre would you recommend?
Absolutely, anyone considering a self-build, re-model or other type of project should definitely visit. The National Self Build and Renovation Show provides inspiration, ideas and information. Talking to the experts on a one-one basis is invaluable and puts the challenges and pitfalls into clear perspective.